Executive Board

The Executive Board (Board of Directors)


The executive board is a functioning administrative group elected to take the necessary action to achieve the purposes of the council. It establishes the council program and carries out the resolutions, policies, and activities voted on by the council. It determines policy for the council in accordance with its delegated authority, and within the context of the Charter, Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America. The board protects the long-range future of Scouting in the community.

  1. Planning
    • Approve the Council’s philosophy and review management’s performance in achieving it.
    • Annually assess the ever-changing environment and approve the Council’s strategy in relation to it.
    • Annually review and approve the Council’s budget.
    • Approve major policies.
  2. Organization
    Elect, monitor, appraise, advise, stimulate, support, reward, and if deemed necessary or desirable, change top management. Regularly discuss with the CEO/Scout Executive if matters that are of concern to him/her or to the board.
    • Be assured that management succession is properly being provided.
    • Be assured that the status of organizational strength and human resources are equal to the requirements of the long range goals.
    • Approve appropriate compensation and benefit policies and practices.
    • Support the Council through personal financial contribution and through active participation in fundraising programs. Each member should be a Friend of Scouting.
    • Participate in Board Committees in response to recommendations of the Nominating Committee or Council President.
    • Annually review the performance of the Board and take steps (including its composition, organization, and responsibilities) to improve its performance.
  3. Operations
    Review the results achieved by management as compared with the Council’s philosophy, annual and long range goals, and the performance of similar councils. Be certain that the financial structure of the Council is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy.
    • Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice, and comments.
    • Approve major actions of the Council, such as: Capital expenditures on all projects over authorized limits and major changes in programs and services.
  4. Audit
    Be assured that the Board and its committees are adequately and currently informed — through reports and other methods — of the condition of the Council and its operations.
    • Be assured that published reports properly reflect the operating results and financial condition of the Council.
    • Ascertain that management has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of interest throughout the Council and is diligently administering and enforcing those policies.
    • Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.
    • Review compliance with relevant material laws affecting the Council.

Responsibilities of Individual Executive Board Members

Each member of the Executive Board should accept responsibility for individual action in addition to his or her involvement in the collective body called the Board of Directors. This individual action will fall into four areas:

  1. Support the Council through personal financial contribution and through active participation in fundraising programs. Each member should be enrolled as a Friend of Scouting.
  2. Promote Scouting and the Council whenever and wherever possible. Through vocational and avocational activity, be on the lookout for potential Scouters — recommend names and assist with recruiting when asked.
  3. Participate in the work of the Council by attending Executive Board meetings and by taking part in the work of one of the Council ”committees”.
  4. Speak freely and participate actively in helping to formulate Council plans, procedures, and policies — then firmly support decisions reached by the Board. (Note: While each Board Member must assure themselves of the propriety of each recommendation, express their view and ask pertinent questions, the Executive Board relies on the judgment and ability of its departments and their committees and rarely does the Board engage in full-scale debate. Items presented to the Board for action will, with very few exceptions, have been thoroughly reviewed by the appropriate Council Committee and have been presented to the Executive Committee for approval.)

Your opportunities for service come through attendance at Board meetings where basic decisions are made, participation in council committees as assigned, and through acceptance of special responsibilities which you may be asked to assume occasionally.

2021 Executive Board

PositionCommitteeOfficer Name
Scout Executive / Chief Executive OfficerLuis Rodriguez
Nominating Committee ChairDr. Uvaldo Cantu, Jr.
National Council RepresentativeMayor Christopher Boswell
Council PresidentFINANCEDr. Jake Margo
Prior PresidentFINANCEManny Guerra III
TreasurerAUDITCarlos Muniz
Assistant TreasurerAUDITSteve Shimotsu C.P.A.
Legal CouncilJohn D. Guevara
Vice President of AdministrationADMINISTRATIONCol. Glenn R. Hill
Administration Member at LargeADMINISTRATIONT. Mark Blakemore
Vice President of of Membership RelationshipsRELATIONSHIPSJoseph Rasmussen
Vice President of of ProgramsPROGRAMSDr. Andrew Phillips
Capital Campaign Member at LargeADMINISTRATIONDr. Uvaldo Cantu Jr.
Vice President of FinanceFINANCESandra Langley
Vice President of EndowmentENDOWMENTMayor Christopher Boswell
Endowment Committee Chair ENDOWMENTRobert McAllen
Endowment Member at LargeENDOWMENTMayor Christopher Boswell
Endowment Member at LargeENDOWMENTSteven H. Shimotsu, C.P.A.
Properties Member at LargePROPERTIESDr. Jake Margo
Properties Member at LargePROPERTIEST. Mark Blakemore
Properties Member at LargePROPERTIESBob Duncan
Council Commissioner Patricia Garcia
Friends of Scouting ChairJuan Trevino
Family FOS - Unit ChairJuan Trevino
Training ChairRoger Mantony
Advancement and Recognition ChairMorris Edelstein
Interim Camping ChairDr. Jake Margo
Enterprise Risk Management Committee ChairDr. Jake Margo
Health and Safety Committee ChairDr. Jake Margo
Popcorn KernelFrancisco Hernandez
Order of the Arrow AdvisorORDER OF THE ARROWCherie Camacho

Positions Open for Nomination